










As Canada’s legitimate community organizations representing hundreds of thousands of Chinese Canadians in greater Montréal, Canada, we oppose Xinjiang-related motion passed by Canada’s House of Commons on February 22. This motion was put forward by the opposition Conservative Party of Canada, and it ignored the basic facts.

We believe that some Canadian politicians and political parties use China’s Xinjiang issues for their own political gain. Such selfish and narrow-minded behavior violates Canada’s free and democratic values, and ​​the cultural tradition of tolerance and openness.

The Xinjiang-related motion was an accusation that could not be proven by facts, and it should not be voted politically in Parliament. If the Conservative Party and other politicians are concerned with this issue, they should seek further understanding of this matter. It is irresponsible to use unproven, distorted, one-sided stories and controversial political assertions to push federal lawmakers to vote without knowing the truth.

There are 338 members in the House of Representatives in the Parliament. 226 votes were cast in favor of the bill, with 2 abstentions. The rest of the members did not participate in the vote, so the bill cannot be called “unanimously passed.” Secondly, the bill is not binding and does not represent the position of the Canadian government. Therefore, we also oppose any irresponsible media’s wrong and false reports about the bill being passed by the Canadian Parliament unanimously.

As Chinese Canadians, we are concerned about the conduct of some Canadian politicians who continue to use various Chinese issues to instigate conflicts between China and Canada in order to advance their own political interests. Such irresponsible conduct will cause negative views of the entire Chinese and even Asian communities by Canadians who do not understand the truth, and cause significant distress to the lives and work of more than 1.7 million Chinese Canadians.

As we all know, China-Canada relations are currently facing great challenges due to various reasons. Some Canadian politicians have not made constructive efforts to eliminate misunderstandings, alleviate contradictions, and improve China-Canada relations. Instead, they ignore facts and use China’s Xinjiang issue to continue intensifying the conflicts between China and Canada. We are deeply disappointed and concerned about this situation.

We believe that, as the deliberative body of the elected representatives of Canada, the Parliament should focus more on the domestic affairs of Canada’s epidemic, economy, people’s livelihood, environment, and the living conditions of all ethnic groups, rather than using issues in a foreign country to shirk its own responsibility to Canadians, and ignore Canada’s own internal affairs and conflicts.

Finally, we also oppose the calling upon the federal government by the opposition leader of the Conservative Party to push the International Olympic Committee to withdraw the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics in China.

Dialogue, communication and mutual respect are in line with Canadian values. The Conservative Party leaders try to politicize Olympics, disrespect the Olympic spirit, and interfere with the work of the International Olympic Committee that consists of more than 200 countries. Such conduct is absurd and irresponsible, and it will seriously damage Canada’s image on the international stage.

The Montreal Chinese communities are united to make this joint statement, to oppose the Xinjiang-related motion passed by the Parliament and any politically motivated, self-serving action that may damage Canada-China relation or cast a negative view on the Chinese communities in Canada.

联署机构 Organizations  :

  • 1满地可华人联合总会

Montreal Chinese Community United Center

  • 2蒙特利尔华商会

La Chambre de Commerce Chinoise de Montréal

  • 3中国洪门民治党满地可分部

The Chinese Freemson Society

  • 4魁北克华人同乡会联合总会

Alliance of Quebec Chinese Associations

  • 5全加华人聯会(魁北克區)

National Congress of Chinese Canadian (Quebec region

  • 6魁省潮州会馆


  • 7越华三机构/越华联谊会


  • 8蒙特利尔中山公园基金会

Fondation de la Place Sun Yat-Sen de Montreal

  • 9加拿大华侨历史文化研究会

Chinese Canadian Historical and cultural Society

  • 10花都同乡会

Association Hua Du de Montréal

  • 11魁北克中山同乡会

Association Sino Zhong Shan Du Québec

  • 12魁北克广东同乡会

Association du Guangdong au Québec

  • 13魁北克广东商会

Chambre de commerce du Guangdong au Québec

  • 14满地可华侨敬老会

Association Chinoise des Anies

  • 15蒙特利尔华商会青年会

Association des jeunes La Chambre de Commerce Chinoise de Montréal

  • 16蒙特利尔华商会艺术团

Troupe Artistique de La Chambre de Commerce Chinoise de Montréal

  • 17花都同乡会青年会

Association des jeunes Hua Du de Montréal

  • 18加拿大广西同乡会

Association Des GuangXi Origins Au Canada

  • 19加拿大广西同乡会南宁分会

Section de Nanning de l’Association d’origines du Guangxi au Canada

  • 20加拿大广西同乡会柳州分会

Section de Liuzhou de l’Association d’origines du Guangxi au Canada

  • 21加拿大广西同乡会桂林分会

Section de Guilin de l’Association d’origines du Guangxi au Canada

  • 22加拿大广西同乡会梧州分会

Section de Wuzhou de l’Association d’origines du Guangxi au Canada

  • 23加拿大广西同乡会玉林分会

Section de Yulin de l’Association d’origines du Guangxi au Canada

  • 24加拿大湖南商会

Hunanese Chambers of commerce

  • 25格瑞斯多元文化协会

Association Multiculturelle Grace du Québec

  • 26魁省天津同乡会

L’association de Tianjin du Québec

  • 27魁北克天津商会

L’association des affaires de Tianjin du Québec

  • 28加拿大蒙特利尔海南同乡会

Hainanaise Association des Montréal

  • 29魁北克华裔音乐家协会

Chinese Musician of Quebec

  • 30蒙特利尔孔子学校

École Confucius de Montréal

  • 31西岛华人文化体育中心

Centre communautaire chinois de l’ouest de l’île de Montréal

  • 32湖北同乡会

La Chambre de Commerce du Hubei au Québec

  • 33北美文化产业促进会

La Société de promotion culturelle et industrielle Industrie d’Amérique du Nord

  • 34加拿大广西同乡联盟会

Association de Guangxi Unis du Canada

  • 35加拿大魁北克河南同乡会暨加拿大魁北克河南商会

Association Citadine Henan du Quebec & Chambre de Commerce de Henan au Canada

  • 36上海苏浙同乡会

Association Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang de Montreal

  • 37北美华人信息技术协会

Chinese Information Technology Association of North America

  • 38三佳国际教育学院 TAC college

Trois A Centre de Culture et Echange

  • 39加拿大华人志愿服务中心

Association des bénévoles chinois au canada

  • 40福建同乡会

Association de FuJian du Quebec au Canada

  • 41乐之声艺术团

La Troupe Artistique Yuezhisheng

  • 42满地可余风彩堂

Yee Fung Toy Society of Montreal

  • 43谭光裕堂

Hum Quong Yea Tong Society

  • 44魁省江门新会同乡会暨商会

Association Jiangmen Xinhui du Québec

  • 45台山同乡会

Hoy Sun Association of Quebec

  • 46加拿大魁北克云南同乡会

Association Yunnan du Canada

  • 47加拿大蒙特利尔多民族文化交流协会

Association of Multicultural Exchanges in Canada Montreal

  • 48枫叶学院

Centre de Culture d’Art Fengye

  • 49加拿大中加文化教育交流协会

Association de la Culture et de l’Éducation de l’Échange Canada-Chine

  • 50中加语言文化学院

College McGill
